10 Tips to Help Manage Your Stress
“…between juggling work, family and other commitments, life gets busy and stressful”
Dr. Aleena Bodoe MSc, DMFY
April is Stress Awareness Month. Dr. Aleena Bodoe MSc, DMFT shares her tips on ways to manage stress. Dr. Bodoe is a Registered Mental Health Counselor with Family Foundations and working with our Volunteers in Medicine patients. She shares: “between juggling work, family and other commitments, life gets busy and stressful. We don’t always remember to set time aside to take care of ourselves. It’s important to unwind to avoid burnout (physically and mentally). Learning how to manage your stress takes practice, but here are some ways to do so:”
10 tips for managing your stress:
1. Exercise: Working out can be a good way to relax your body and mind and improve your mood! Focus on setting realistic fitness goals so you don’t give up! Remember doing any exercise is better than none. Working out can mean anything to going to the gym, going for a walk or engaging in a fun sport/activity.
2. Follow a Balanced Diet: This can help control your mood and energy levels. Eating a diet mostly made up of fruits and vegetables provides the key nutrients that your body needs. Moderation is key!
3. Make time for hobbies/interests and overall self-care: Create time to do the things that you enjoy, guilt free!
4. Seek out social support: Connecting with people, spending time with friends or family is a natural way to help calm you down.
5. Relaxation techniques: This can include deep breathing, meditation, yoga. Whatever activity makes you feel most at peace!
6. Time management: Learn how to manage our daily tasks! This can have an impact on your stress. Set realistic goals and expectations for necessary tasks and give yourself a break in between.
7. Setting boundaries: Setting boundaries in all of our relationships is important, whether it be personal or professional. Remember, saying no is okay and taking the time that you need for you decreases burn out!
8. Sleep: Implementing a healthy sleep hygiene routine will help reduce stress. Eliminating electronics and screen time can be helpful at least 30 minutes before bed. Even the way you set up your bedroom can be helpful to set the tone. Additionally, avoiding alcohol and caffeine right before bed can help to get a well-rested night.
9. Change of environment: Sometimes, it’s helpful to have a change of scenery. Even if it means getting outside or taking a walk on your lunch break!
10. Keep a stress diary: This can help you by making you aware of situations and triggers that cause stress. Identify activities that you can modify or eliminate and think of ways that you can handle stressful situations differently and what coping strategies work.