Our Story
Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville, Inc. was established in 2002 by co-founders James Burt, MD and Dottie Dorion, RN, MS and opened its doors for patients in September 2003 — one of 94 Volunteers in Medicine clinics across the United States. All Volunteers in Medicine clinics are free clinics, but not all are dedicated to treating the working uninsured.
The mission of Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville is to advance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the working uninsured to improve quality of life for all.
The Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville Clinic is staffed by dedicated active and retired physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and specialists. These professionals dedicate their time to fulfill our mission of helping our community’s working uninsured. Our success can be directly attributed to the passion and commitment of more than 230 active volunteer clinical and non-clinical professionals that perform a wide array of services at our downtown clinic six days a week.
We provide primary care and 16 specialties including mental health, vision, dermatology, cardiology, oncology and so much more for free for our patients. In addition we provide free transportation, free medicine, free screenings for breast cancer and colon cancer and free access to healthy food through our prescriptive nutrition program. Patients also have access to our Forever Health program which utilizes yoga, animal assisted therapy and more to address pain and stress in our patients lives.
The South San Marco Clinic is located at 3728 Philips Highway Suite #34 Jacksonville, FL 32207 near the corner of Philips and Emerson. This location opened on March 29, 2023 to replace the Downtown Clinic that was at the corner of Ocean St. and Duval St. in the old Paulus Music Store. The building was rehabilitated to a clinic shortly after incorporation through private donations and volunteer craftsmen. Ms. Dorion and Dr. Burt’s reason for starting the clinic was that there were healthcare options for low or no income individuals that did not work, but no options for hardworking people who did not have access to medical care.
The West Jax Clinic is located at 5927 Old Timuquana Road Jacksonville, FL 32210 and opened June 9th, 2020. It is located within the Inspire to Rise Campus and provides free primary care for the working uninsured.
Our Timeline
“Idea of a Free Clinic is Brought to Light
The concept of Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville was formed by co-founders James Burt, MD and Dottie Dorion, RN, MS. Ms. Dorion and Dr. Burt’s reason for starting the clinic was the lack of healthcare options for low- or no-income hardworking individuals.
“Discussions of Volunteers in Medicine Begin
Initial conversations were had with close friends. Visits were made to Hilton Head to meet with Dr. and Mrs. McConnell, national founder of Volunteers in Medicine. Weekly meetings were held with Rev. Gene Zimmerman to explore the logistics of beginning the project. Dr. C.B. McIntosh was added to the team.
“Volunteers in Medicine Project Becomes Reality
More people were added to a working board: Dick Petry, Hope Brank, Major McHargue, George Ridge, Wes Westmoreland, Jerry Milner, and Louis Pecci. Jeff Goldhagen agreed to support clinic ideas. A contract with Urban Dynamics to help with organization was made and continued for several months. Louis developed the VIM logo and provided thoughts on the branding aspect of the clinic operation. Sherri Deese from George Ridge’s office was made secretary.
“Project Introduced to Community
Dottie along with many on the board were active with fundraising, presentations, and general support activities. A gala was held at the Vincenty Spillert Gallery to generate awareness of the project in the community.
“501c3 Approved
The 501c3 status establishes Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville, Inc. as a nonprofit. Riverside Hospital Foundation awarded VIM its first grant of $25,000, to be awarded on the day the clinic opened.”
“Clinic Groundbreaking
The location chosen for the clinic was the old Paulus Music Store at the corner of Ocean St. and Duval St., which is where it can be found today. The agreement on leasing the Paulus building was made and volunteer contractor Wes Westmoreland began cleaning out the building. Downtown Rotary funded the repair of the clinic’s roof.
“Construction and Fundraising
Bill Mercer offered suggestions concerning construction and funding sources. A grant from the Helow family and an anonymous grant from a local foundation funded the efforts to move forward. Kim Sutton stepped forward to help with design and implementation of the clinic remodeling process.
“Renovation Approved
Resolutions from the Duval County Medical Society and City Council were received and renovations were initiated. The collection of furniture and equipment gifts began; regular requests were made to volunteers to move these items. Chairs for the clinic were collected and the Design Factory loaned the use of their warehouse for storage. Richard Hugo renovated and refurbished all the upholstered chairs. An anonymous donor provided funds to pay for the completion of renovations, guaranteeing a September opening.”
“Grand Opening and Early Days of VIM Jacksonville
Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville, Inc. becomes one of 94 Volunteers in Medicine clinics across the United States. The grand opening was a tremendous success with many people in attendance. Dr. McConnell, Mayor John Peyton, George Ridge, Dottie and Jim were speakers at the event.
Initially, Dr. Nichols was the mainstay for clinic coverage. Gradually, the Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner volunteers made VIM their project. Dr. McCranie then started a Women’s Health concept, which he offered in the early evenings.
The Dorion Art Reception and Fundraiser was held to support the new clinic. It was quite successful, attracting new supporters as well as significant funding.
“VIM Jacksonville Begins Relationship with the University of North Florida (UNF)
VIM and UNF entered into an agreement that restructures the operation. A jointly funded Clinical Director/faculty position was added. UNF students begin learning and assisting in the clinic. This relationship has flourished over the years.
“VIM Jacksonville Partners with Mayo Clinic Florida
An inter-agency collaboration was formed between Mayo Clinic Florida and VIM to improve access to cancer treatment for underserved populations.
“VIM Jacksonville Awarded the Volunteer Jacksonville Dose of Caring Group Award
“VIM Jacksonville Hires Medical Director
Dr. Vicky Findley becomes VIM’s first Medical Director, a role in which she continues to serve.
“Free Mental Health Counseling is Made Available to VIM Jacksonville Patients
“The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida Awards VIM Jacksonville with a $100,000 Grant.
This funding allowed VIM to increase their capacity substantially, serving an additional 500 patients.
“Sulzbacher Homeless Center and Clinic Partners with VIM Jacksonville
Through this partnership, Sulzbacher agreed to provide VIM patients with dental care.”
“Milestone of 50,000 Free Patient Appointments Reached
“VIM Jacksonville Awarded Challenge Grant from the Delores Barr Weaver Center
With this funding, VIM is able to start the P.E.A.C.E. (Patient Education Advocacy & Community Engagement) project, which conducts outreach in underserved areas in the community.”
“VIM Jacksonville Holds its Inaugural Women with Heart Luncheon
Women with Heart becomes VIM’s signature fundraiser, honoring women who have dedicated themselves to the health of the community.
“VIM Jacksonville Co-Founder Dr. Jim Burt Receives the Jack B. McConnell, MD Award
Dr. Burt is honored for “Excellence in Volunteerism” from the American Medical Association Foundation’s 2017 Excellence in Medicine Awards.”
“VIM Jacksonville Receives the Carnegie 15 Award
VIM is recognized specifically for “Purpose, Partnership and Progress.”
“CEO Jennifer Ryan, MPH hired
“VIM Jacksonville Launches a Florida Blue-Sponsored Tele-Health Program with UNF
Nutrition Counseling and Mental Health Interns begin treating VIM patients through newly implemented telehealth services.”
“Duval Safety Net Collaborative is Created
VIM Jacksonville becomes a founding member of the Duval Safety Net Collaborative, designed to connect uninsured neighbors more efficiently to available healthcare options.”
“VIM Jacksonville Opens its Second Location
The West Jax Clinic is located at 5927 Old Timuquana Road Jacksonville, FL 32210, in a distressed Jacksonville neighborhood. It is located within the Inspire to Rise Campus and provides free primary care for the working uninsured.”
“Patient Health Advocates Begin to Serve VIM Jacksonville Patients
VIM begins staffing its clinic with Patient Health Advocates to address social determinants of health. This is coordinated by JaxCareConnect, a creation of the Duval Safety Net Collaborative.”
“September 3, 2023 Volunteers in Medicine Celebrates Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting
The community came together to commemorate 20 years and see the brand new space.”