Back-to-School Bliss: Sala Pradhan’s, APRN Top Tips for a Smooth Start to the School Year
The start of the new school year is an exciting time for children and their caregivers but can also bring on unwanted stress as we pull ourselves out of summer mode. Here are some tips for making the start of the school year a little smoother!
1. Fill out school forms, sports forms, and make sure your child is up to date on their vaccine schedule. Doing this prior to the start of school insures you have plenty of time to gather needed information or catch up on a missed vaccine.
2. If your child is worried or nervous about the start of the new year, help relieve their anxiety by visiting their classroom, walking their schedule, and meeting their teacher before the first day.
3. Plan your daily routine, but be prepared to adjust as needed. Include mealtimes, active outdoor or sports time, ample time for homework and study, and a bedtime routine.
4. Put your school routine into practice before the start of the school year. One to two weeks prior to school, start setting alarms gradually earlier and go to bed at an agreed upon time with no electronics in the room.
5. Prioritize sleep and sleep routines. Most school aged children need 9-12 hours of sleep with teens needing 8-10 hours. During sleep the brain sorts and stores information it has taken in over the day, so its importance for the learning child cannot be overstated. Establish a bedtime, stick to it, and make sure all electronics are out of the bedroom. Trading out screens for reading at bedtime not only creates bonding time for you and your child but can be helpful in calming the mind and preparing your child for sleep.
6. Plan four healthy snacks and breakfasts that your child likes, and that can be easily rotated. These should be low in sugar and provide protein, complex carbohydrates with fiber and healthy fats. Some of our favorites are veggies with ranch, guacamole or hummus dip, pickles, PB and J, rolled up deli meat and cheese, popcorn, whole or cut fruit, nuts, sunflower seeds, banana or apple with peanut butter, yogurt, egg bites, and granola bars with less than 10 grams of sugar.
7. Eat meals with your child whenever possible. Research shows that meals shared as a family benefit a child’s self-esteem, school performance, and overall well-being.
8. Make it a celebration! Our favorite back to school activity is our annual mommy daughter date. It is simply a time to connect with your child one on one, listen to their hopes and dreams for the upcoming school year, and let them voice any insecurities they may have. The child gets to choose the activity. Past years in our house have included walking on the beach, miniature golf, their favorite ice cream or meal, walking through a museum together, and visiting the Main Street library. They look forward to this day all year long and I have to say, I share the same sentiment!