
Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner

Barbara Potter

Volunteers in Medicine volunteer Barbara Potter was awarded the prestigious Ivy Summerlee Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award at a special luncheon and awards ceremony attended by more than 200 guests on March 24th at the main library in downtown Jacksonville.

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Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner

Gene and Shirley Baker

HandsOn Jacksonville, celebrating its 44th year this year, honored volunteers on Monday, April 24 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. to at the Jessie Ball duPont Center. The Celebrate GOOD VIP Awards Dinner was the kick-off to their Celebrate GOOD Festival and in conjunction with National Volunteer Week.

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Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner

Laine MacWilliam

For nearly 8 years, Laine MacWilliam has been providing the priceless donation of her time as a volunteer in our clinic. For seven years, she volunteered every Thursday, and continued to volunteer two days each month after taking on a full-time job as a realtor. Next month will mark her 8 year anniversary of her start date.

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Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner Volunteer Stories Stacey Steiner

Dixie Murphy

Dixie Murphy has spent her Thursdays for the last five years volunteering at the Volunteers In Medicine prescription drug dispensary, working with the clinic’s volunteer doctors and nurses on behalf of patients in need of inexpensive medications.

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Success Stories Stacey Steiner Success Stories Stacey Steiner

Jennifer Lunt

“They have been really have been wonderful,” she said of the Volunteers In Medicine doctors and staff. “Without them I would have been in a world of hurt because I could not have gotten the treatment I needed.”

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Stacey Steiner Stacey Steiner

Cindy Cox

It was twelve years ago that Cindy’s husband lost his job along with the family’s healthcare benefits. Cindy found herself part of the thousands of Americans without health insurance.

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